MuleSoft Certified Developer - Level 1 Maintenance Exam Preparation

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This is the MuleSoft Certified Developer - Level 1 Maintenance exam preparation. This exam is shorter than the first exam. It validates that a MuleSoft Certified Developer - Level 1 has maintained the skills and knowledge to work successfully on basic Mule 4 projects. It also test if the practitioner can, with supervision and guidance, design, build, test and debug, deploy, and manage basic APIs and integrations.

  • Expectations
    • use MuleSoft-hosted Anypoint Platform to take a basic API through all the steps of its lifecycle: design, build, deploy, manage and govern
    • Use Anypoint Studio to build, test and debug basic Mule 4 integrations and API implementations
    • Use Mule 4 connectors to connect to a range of resources including databases, files, web services, SaaS applications, and JMS queues
    • Perform basic data transformations using DataWeave 2
    • Use Mule 4 event processors to control event flow, handle errors, and process batch records
  • Prerequisites
    • Have a current MuleSoft Certified Developer - Level 1 certification.


  • Acronyms:
    • DEV:FUN4 - Anypoint Platform Development Fundamental course
    • DEV:DIY4 - MCD - Level 1/ Development Fundamentals DIY Exercises & Practice Exam

Go through the following as quickly as possible, writing notes and adding questions and answers to Anki, and also dedicating time to review the Anki decks daily.

  • Anypoint Platform Development: Fundamentals
  • Quick run through of the Topics focusing on the links, writing notes, adding Anki decks and reviewing them
  • MCD - Level 1/ Development Fundamentals DIY Exercises & Practice Exam
  • YouTube: MuleSoft Tech Zone - Mule 4 tutorials for beginners


Accessing and modifying Mule events

  • Describe the Mule event data structure

A Mule event is immutable, and it consitutes the core information processed by the Mule runtime. It follows the configured application logic as it travels through the components inside the Mule application. Changing an Mule event instance results in the creation of a new instance because it’s immutable

Structuring Mule applications

  • Parameterise an application using property placeholders
  • Define and reuse global configurations in an application
  • Break an applicatino into multiple flows using private flows, subflows and the Flow REference component
  • Specify what data (payload, attributes, variables) is persisted between flows when a Flow Reference is used
  • Specify what data (payload, attributes, variables) is persisted between flows when a Mule event crosses a connection boundary
  • Specify what data (payload, attributes, variables) exists in a flow before and after a call in the middle of a flow to an external resource
  • Resources

Building API implementation interfaces

Routing events

Handling errors

Transforming data with DataWeave

Using Connectors

  • Retrieve data from a Database using the Database connector.
  • Create parameterized SQL queries for the Database connector.
  • Retrieve data from a REST service using HTTP Request or a REST Connector.
  • Use a Web Service Consumer connector to consume SOAP web services.
  • Use the Transform Message component to pass arguments to a SOAP web service.
  • List, read, and write local files using the File connector.
  • List, read, and write remote files using the FTP connector.
  • Use the JMS connector to publish and listen for JMS messages.
  • Resources

Processing records

Debugging and troubleshooting Mule applications

  • Use breakpoints to inspect a Mule event during runtime.
  • Install missing Maven dependencies.
  • Read and decipher Mule log error messages.
  • Resources
    • DEV:DIY4 Exercise 6-1 and Walkthrough
    • DEV:DIY4 all exercises

Deploying and managing APIs and integrations


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