Tafuma Chademana

"Onwards and Upwards..."

I am Tafuma, and this is my Dura (Granary of knowledge) using the Zettelkasten method. This space is a fusion of my brainprickings. It allows me to better understand what I've learned and explore various ideas and boldly step into challenges that propel my growth. The notes are categorised according to Zettelkasten: fleeting, literature and permanent.

"I am Tafuma, and this is my Dura (Granary of knowledge) using the Zettelkasten method. This space is a fusion of my brainprickings. It allows me to better understand what I've learned and explore various ideas and boldly step into challenges that propel my growth. The notes are categorised according to Zettelkasten: fleeting, literature and permanent using Emacs Org Roam. I am curious about a lot of things, in fact, as many things as possible, and this is my outlet for this."

"Notes aren’t a record of my thinking process. They are my thinking process. – Richard Feynman"

Note categories/ types

  • Concept Notes: self-explanatory and detailed notes which can be references of concepts.
  • Fleeting Notes: notes taken on the fly or simple reminders of information or thoughts to be processed later on or be trashed into more permanent form.
  • Inbox Notes: a place for Fleeting notes that need to be processed.
  • Literature Notes: condensed and informal summaries about a piece of consumed media e.g. an entire article, book, etc..
  • Permanent Notes: explanations of a single idea, annotated with metadata about the subject or the note, other notes that note is related to, and the source of the note. It's built using Literature notes. Can be converted into a book.
  • Raw Notes: just raw notes I have taken from various places without processing e.g. raw course notes from slides. Are converted to Concept notes.
  • References: Digital Zettelkasten: Principles, Methods & Examples by David Kadavy, Org-roam User Manual by Org Roam Creators

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